Stop the Handmaid's Tale Bill

Stop the Handmaid's Tale Bill

image of Stop the Handmaid's Tale Bill

Via started by Emma Linton.

The Morrison government has introduced a religious discrimination bill that will allow for blatant discrimination against our society's most vulnerable groups:

-Single Mums 
-People with a disability
-Ethnically and religiously diverse populations

Our way of life is under threat as a group of religious conservatives and fanatics threaten to persecute women and minority groups. This is not the way of a peaceful, harmonious and secular society.

Act now, before Australia becomes Gilead. 



Via started by Emma Linton.

The Morrison government has introduced a religious discrimination bill that will allow for blatant discrimination against our society's most vulnerable groups:

-Single Mums 
-People with a disability
-Ethnically and religiously diverse populations

Our way of life is under threat as a group of religious conservatives and fanatics threaten to persecute women and minority groups. This is not the way of a peaceful, harmonious and secular society.

Act now, before Australia becomes Gilead. 



Email your MP!

The Religious Discrmination Bill was finally made public. Despite some much-needed changes, it still contains worrying elements that go beyond protecting religious freedoms. 

Today, can you send a quick, pre-written email to your elected representative and ask them to oppose the "Handmaid's Tale Bill"?

If you edit the email in any way, you must remain polite and respectful at all times. 


Compose your email

Email Tips +

If you edit the email  or subject line in any way, you must remain polite and respectful at all times. Don't forget to share the petition after you send your email!